WordNet JSON for English Language


1. What is it?
2. Advantages
3. Where to get it?
4. Requirements
5. Java Code Samples

1. What is it?
The WordNet is a Lexical Database. WordNet links words into semantic relations including synonyms, hyponyms, meronyms and more. The synonyms are grouped into synsets with short definitions and usage examples. WordNet can thus be seen as a combination and extension of a dictionary and thesaurus.

The WordNet JSON is a WordNet for English Language partially extracted as a JSON object presenting following properties:
Synsets - "synonym set" a collection of synonymous words
Pos - part of speech
Definition - the definition of the synset
Examples - list of examples for the synset
Synonyms - words or phrases with exactly or nearly the same meaning
Antonyms - words or phrases with exactly or nearly the opposite meaning
Hypernyms - synsets with a more general concept (up the tree)
Hyponyms - synsets with a more specific concept (down the tree)
Meronyms - synsets denoting a part of something (denotes a thing)
    part_meronyms() - obtains meronym parts
    substance_meronyms() - obtains meronym substances
Holonyms - synsets denoting a membership to something (denotes a whole)
    part_holonyms() - obtains holonym parts
    substance_holonyms() - obtains holonym substances
Entailments - synsets denoting how verbs are involved

2. Advantages
You don't need a special software to access WordNet data. Any programming language supporting JSON can be used. The disadvantage is the fact that you cannot use full WordNet functionality, for example calculating similarity of words.

3. Where to get it?
The home page for the WordNet JSON project can be found on the SoftCorporation LLC. web site http://www.softcorporation.com/products/wordnet. There you also can find the information on how to download the latest release as well as all other information you might need regarding this project.
Download it from here: WordNetJSON zip file

4. Requirements for Java
o Java 2 compatible JVM for your operating system.
o JSON.org Java library

5. Java Code Samples
Java code samples are included in the download package, check the com/softcorporation/nlp/wordnet/WordNetDemo.java. For Windows OS run the wordnet.bat file to start Java demo. You can enter a word and instantly get all word senses with the definition, part of speech (pos), examples, synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms and entailments for each sense: Running WordNet JSON
