Basic Suggester - Spell Check Java Code Samples

1. Initialize and run BasicSuggester (

Simple demo how to use BasicSuggester. The BasicSuggester uses Configuration and Dictionary objects.

    // load English dictionary from jar file
    BasicDictionary dictionary = new BasicDictionary("file://english.jar");

    // load basic suggester configuration from file
    BasicSuggesterConfiguration configuration = new

    // create Suggester based on configuration and attach dictionary
    BasicSuggester suggester = new BasicSuggester(configuration);

    // get and display up to 10 suggestions
    ArrayList suggestions = suggester.getSuggestions(word, 10);
    for (int j = 0; j < suggestions.size(); j++)
      Suggestion suggestion = (Suggestion) suggestions.get(j);
      System.out.println("suggestion " + (j + 1) + ": " + suggestion.getWord());
    System.out.println("\nTotal found: " + suggestions.size());

2. Initialize and run SpellCheck (

Simple demo how to use SpellCheck. The SpellCheck is based on BasicSuggester, which uses Configuration and Dictionary objects.

    // load English dictionary from jar file
    BasicDictionary dictionary = new BasicDictionary("file://english.jar");

    // load spellchecker configuration from file
    SpellCheckConfiguration configuration = new SpellCheckConfiguration(

    // create Suggester based on configuration and attach dictionary
    BasicSuggester suggester = new BasicSuggester(configuration);

    // create SpellCheck object based on configuration and specify Suggester
    SpellCheck spellCheck = new SpellCheck(configuration);

    // specify max number of suggestions for each misspelt word

    // set plain text to verify and specify English rules
    spellCheck.setText(text, Constants.DOC_TYPE_TEXT, "en");

    // check text up to the first misspelt word
    while (spellCheck.hasMisspelt())
      // get misspelt word
      String misspeltWord = spellCheck.getMisspelt();
      // get text around bolded misspelt word (5 words before and 5 words after)
      String misspeltText = spellCheck.getMisspeltText(5, "<b>", "</b>", 5);

      // get and display misspelt word suggestions
      ArrayList suggestions = spellCheck.getSuggestions();
      for (int j = 0; j < suggestions.size(); j++)
        Suggestion suggestion = (Suggestion) suggestions.get(j);
        System.out.println(j + ": " + suggestion.getWord());

      // choose the suggestion
      System.out.print("Select suggestion (CR - next, q - quit): ");
      String command = keyboardInput.readLine().toLowerCase();
      if (command.length() != 0)
        if ("q".equals(command))
        int k = 0;
        String selectedWord;
          k = Integer.parseInt(command);
          Suggestion suggestion = (Suggestion) suggestions.get(k);
          selectedWord = suggestion.getWord();
        catch (Exception ex)
          System.out.println("Invalid command!");

        // choose the suggestion

      // verify the rest of a text

    // get and display corrected text
    text = spellCheck.getText();
    System.out.println("\nCorrected text: " + text);


Keywords: SoftCorporation LLC., Java, free, software, spell check, spelling, spellcheck, free web service, free spellchecking web service, download, application